Refund policy:
Please note that your subscription automatically renews at the end of your billing cycle. If you cancel your subscription, there will be no future charges to your account. Cancellation will become effective at the end of your current subscription billing period. Please note, as per your agreement to our terms and conditions when you signed up, you will not receive a refund, however your subscription access and benefits will continue for the remainder of your current subscription term. If you need help, please contact us.
Subscription Rules:
Please be respectful with all interactions within the forum. Any interaction by you that we deem to be inappropriate, may get your access either “muted” where you will be unable to interact with other members on our Positivity Chat channel, (but still have access to the server channels as read-only); or you may get banned all together, depending on the infraction.
This Website and our memberships are for informational purposes only. We do not recommend or encourage gambling, whether it is illegal or legal. All information we publish or provide is for amusement and educational purposes only, and should not be relied upon for any gambling, financial, or other transaction.
GAMBLING IS FOR AMUSEMENT, NOT FOR INCOME. IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE A GAMBLING ADDICTION. Do not access the information contained on the site or ANY digital outlet, site, or device we may communicate on. If you suspect that you have a gambling problem, exit this site immediately and seek help for your addiction. For those seeking help immediately, consider the following resources: